MGLaserBeamShortestDistanceToInclinedEllipse.html   (MotionGenesis input/output).
   (1) % MotionGenesis file:  MGLaserBeamShortestDistanceToInclinedEllipse.txt
   (2) % Copyright (c) 2019 Motion Genesis LLC.  All rights reserved.
   (3) % Note: Ellipse equation:  x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 = 1
   (4) %       For this ellipse:  a = 2,  b = 1,  c = 1.
   (5) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (6) RigidFrame  N           % Horizontal plane.
   (7) RigidFrame  A           % Laser (also creates point Ao).
   (8) RigidFrame  B           % Inclined plane   (also creates point Bo).
   (9) RigidFrame  C           % Inclined ellipse (also creates point Co).
   (10) Point       CB( C )     % Point of C in contact with B.
   (11) Point       Q( C )      % Point of C closest to Ao.
   (12) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (13) %   Rotation matrix relating inclined plane and horizontal plane.
   (14) B.SetRotationMatrixZ( N,  30 * ConvertUnits(deg, rad) )
-> (15) B_N = [0.8660254, 0.5, 0;  -0.5, 0.8660254, 0;  0, 0, 1]

   (16) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (17) %   Known position vectors.
   (18) Ao.SetPosition( No,  Nx> + 2*Ny> )
-> (19) p_No_Ao> = Nx> + 2*Ny>

   (20) Bo.SetPosition( No,  4*Nx> + Nz> )
-> (21) p_No_Bo> = 4*Nx> + Nz>

   (22) CB.SetPosition( Bo,  2*Bx> )
-> (23) p_Bo_CB> = 2*Bx>

   (24) Co.SetPosition( CB,  1*By> )
-> (25) p_CB_Co> = By>

   (26) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (27) %   Q's position vector from Co unknown.
   (28) Variable  Lambda, x, y, z
   (29) Q.SetPosition( Co,  x*Bx> + y*By> + z*Bz> )
-> (30) p_Co_Q> = x*Bx> + y*By> + z*Bz>

   (31) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (32) %   Form the equation for the ellipse's surface and its gradient.
   (33) %   Note: The gradient's direction is outward normal to the ellipse's surface.
   (34) EllipseSurface = x^2/2^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1
-> (35) EllipseSurface = -1 + y^2 + z^2 + 0.25*x^2

   (36) Gradient_Surface> =  D(EllipseSurface, x) * Bx> +  D(EllipseSurface, y) * By> + D(EllipseSurface, z) * Bz>
-> (37) Gradient_Surface> = 0.5*x*Bx> + 2*y*By> + 2*z*Bz>

   (38) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (39) %   Q's position vector from Ao is opposite the ellipse's outward normal at Q.
   (40) %   This can be proved by Calculus/minimization.
   (41) Q.SetPosition( Ao,  -Lambda * Gradient_Surface> )
-> (42) p_Ao_Q> = -0.5*Lambda*x*Bx> - 2*Lambda*y*By> - 2*Lambda*z*Bz>

   (43) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (44) %   Solution must satisfy position vector loop equation.
   (45) Loop> = P_No_Ao> + P_Ao_Q> + P_Q_Co> + P_Co_CB> + P_CB_Bo> + P_Bo_No>
-> (46) Loop> = (-2-x-0.5*Lambda*x)*Bx> + (-1-y-2*Lambda*y)*By> - z*(1+2*Lambda)*Bz>
        - 3*Nx> + 2*Ny> - Nz>

   (47) Loop = Matrix( N,  Loop> )   % Dot-product Nx>, Ny>, Nz> with Loop>.
-> (48) Loop[1] = -4.232051 + 0.5*y + Lambda*y - 0.8660254*x - 0.4330127*Lambda*x
-> (49) Loop[2] = 0.1339746 - 0.8660254*y - 0.5*x - 1.732051*Lambda*y - 0.25*
-> (50) Loop[3] = -1 - z*(1+2*Lambda)

   (51) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (52) %   There are 4 unknowns: x, y, z, Lambda.
   (53) %   There are 4 equations: EllipseSurface = 0, Loop[i] = 0 (i=1,2,3).
   (54) %   Step 1: Solve for x, y, z in terms of Lambda.
   (55) %   Step 2 (optional): Make EllipseSurface explicit in Lambda.
   (56) Solve( Loop = 0,  x, y, z )
-> (57) x = -7.196152/(2+Lambda)
-> (58) y = 2.232051/(1+2*Lambda)
-> (59) z = -1/(1+2*Lambda)

   (60) Explicit( EllipseSurface, Lambda )
-> (61) EllipseSurface = -1 + 12.94615/(2+Lambda)^2 + 5.982051/(1+2*Lambda)^2

   (62) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (63) %   Math digression: One way to solve for Lambda is to rearrange
   (64) %   EllipseSurface into a 4th-order polynomial equation and solve.
   (65) PolynomialEqn = Expand( Rhs(EllipseSurface) * (2+Lambda)^2 * (1+2*Lambda)^2 )
-> (66) PolynomialEqn = 5.982051*(2+Lambda)^2 + 12.94615*(1+2*Lambda)^2 - (2+

   (67) Expand( PolynomialEqn,  0:2 )
-> (68) PolynomialEqn = 32.87436 + 55.71281*Lambda + 24.76666*Lambda^2 - 20*Lambda^3
        - 4*Lambda^4

   (69) roots = GetRoots( PolynomialEqn = 0,  Lambda, 4 )
-> (70) roots = [-5.701827;  -0.6912399 - 0.4623138*imaginary;  -0.6912399 + 0.4623138
        *imaginary;  2.084307]

   (71) DistanceAoToQmin = EvaluateToNumber( Q.GetDistance(Ao),  Lambda = roots[1] )
-> (72) DistanceAoToQmin = 6.156405

   (73) DistanceAoToQmax = EvaluateToNumber( Q.GetDistance(Ao),  Lambda = roots[4] )
-> (74) DistanceAoToQmax = 2.694949

   (75) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (76) %   Another way to solve for Lambda is with nonlinear solver which needs a guess for Lambda.
   (77) %   The laser hits the ellipses twice (near side which is minimum distance and far side
   (78) %   which is maximum distance).  To solve for minimum distance, guess a small positive Lambda.
   (79) Solve( EllipseSurface = 0,  Lambda = 0.1 )
-> (80) Lambda = 2.084307

   (81) DistanceBetweenQAndAo = EvaluateToNumber( Q.GetDistance(Ao) )
-> (82) DistanceBetweenQAndAo = 2.694949

   (83) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (84) %   Determine the unit vector u> in the direction of Q's position from Ao.
   (85) %   Express it in terms of both  Bx>, By>, Bz>  and  Nx>, Ny>, Nz>.
   (86) uB> = EvaluateToNumber( Q.GetUnitPositionVector(Ao) )
-> (87) uB> = 0.6813389*Bx> - 0.6679919*By> + 0.2992727*Bz>

   (88) uN> = Express( uB>,  N )
-> (89) uN> = 0.9240527*Nx> - 0.2378285*Ny> + 0.2992727*Nz>

   (90) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (91) %   Form the gradient of s (derivative of s with respect to Q's position vector from Ao).
   (92) %   Use the definition, and express the results in N.  Verify that it is opposite uN>.
   (93) Variable  xN, yN, zN
   (94) Ao.SetPosition( No,  xN * Nx> + yN * Ny> + zN * Nz> )
-> (95) p_No_Ao> = xN*Nx> + yN*Ny> + zN*Nz>

   (96) r> = P_Ao_No> + P_No_Bo> + P_Bo_CB> + P_CB_Co> + P_Co_Q>
-> (97) r> = (2+x)*Bx> + (1+y)*By> + z*Bz> + (4-xN)*Nx> - yN*Ny> + (1-zN)*Nz>

   (98) s = GetMagnitude( r> )
-> (99) s = sqrt(yN^2+z^2+(1+y)^2+(2+x)^2+(1-zN)^2+(4-xN)^2+2*z*(1-zN)+1.732051

   (100) Gradient_s_N> =  EvaluateToNumber( D(s, xN) * Nx> + D(s, yN) * Ny> + D(s, zN) * Nz>,  &
                                            xN = 1,  yN = 2,  zN = 0 )
-> (101) Gradient_s_N> = -0.9240527*Nx> + 0.2378285*Ny> - 0.2992727*Nz>

   (102) unitGradient_s_N> = GetUnitVector( Gradient_s_N> )
-> (103) unitGradient_s_N> = -0.9240527*Nx> + 0.2378285*Ny> - 0.2992727*Nz>

   (104) ShouldBeZeroN> = uN> + unitGradient_s_N>
-> (105) ShouldBeZeroN> = 0>

   (106) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (107) %   To show the previous result is basis-independent, again calculate the
   (108) %   gradient of s, but instead use Bx>, By>, Bz>.  Verify it is opposite uB>.
   (109) Variable  xB, yB, zB
   (110) Ao.SetPosition( No,  xB * Bx> + yB * By> + zB * Bz> )
-> (111) p_No_Ao> = xB*Bx> + yB*By> + zB*Bz>

   (112) r> := P_Ao_No> + P_No_Bo> + P_Bo_CB> + P_CB_Co> + P_Co_Q>
-> (113) r> = (2+x-xB)*Bx> + (1+y-yB)*By> + (z-zB)*Bz> + 4*Nx> + Nz>

   (114) s := GetMagnitude( r> )
-> (115) s = sqrt(26.85641+2*z+4*yB+6.928203*x+(z-zB)^2+(1+y-yB)^2+(2+x-xB)^2-6.928203

   (116) Gradient_s_B> =  EvaluateToNumber( D(s, xB) * Bx> + D(s, yB) * By> + D(s, zB) * Bz>,  &
                          xB = 1*cosDegrees(30) + 2*sinDegrees(30),  yB = -1*sinDegrees(30) + 2*cosDegrees(30),  zB = 0 )
-> (117) Gradient_s_B> = -0.6813389*Bx> + 0.6679919*By> - 0.2992727*Bz>

   (118) unitGradient_s_B> = GetUnitVector( Gradient_s_B> )
-> (119) unitGradient_s_B> = -0.6813389*Bx> + 0.6679919*By> - 0.2992727*Bz>

   (120) ShouldBeZeroB> = uB> + unitGradient_s_B>
-> (121) ShouldBeZeroB> = 0>

   (122) %------------------------------------------------------------
   (123) %   Save input and program responses.
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